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28 years ago Francesco Dreyfus das “Fresh Bagels & Muffins” in Maxvorstadt – Jetzt muss is seinen Loaden unfreiwillig schließen.

Munich – This is the first Bagel-Laden Münchens and the second Wohnzimmervieler Stammkunde: Das “Fresh Bagels & Muffins” in der Maxvorstadt. Quick threat Jahre long hat Inhaber Francesco Dreyfus (72) with larger Leidenschaft Bagels are returned and sold. “I wanted to say to the Leuten that a man with Bagels could do anything,” said Dreyfus. However, if the house is closed, it will be finalized in its own right.

Dreyfus was presented with the Bagel by his partner and colleague Karl Gonzales (73). The end of the 1970s is a German-American Lebensmittelladen an der Baader/Fraunhofer Straße. If you want to shred the bagels, you can still use them. Die seien damals in Deutschland noch Ziemlich unbekannt gewesen, so Dreyfus. Signal Interest and the ongoing war in Teigwaren.

Francesco Dreyfus, Owner of the “Fresh Bagels & Muffins”, after 28 years of eating muss.
Please feel free to buy some Bagels: Francesco Dreyfus, Owner of the “Fresh Bagels & Muffins”, please post loading after 28 years. © Marcus Schlaf

1996 opening Francesco Dreyfus signals Bagel-Shop in der Barer Straße

On the way to the signalman, the electricity supply is carried out when the Dreyfus loads its späteren: A jüdisches Lebensmittelgeschäft, dessen Betreiber auswanderten. The perfect opportunity for Dreyfus: There is a load in 1996 with “Fresh Bagels & Muffins”. Seine first massnahme: 88,000 frozen bagels have been ordered from America, which come with a container. If a few years ago Dreyfus made a backup, you optimized your Teig-Rezept even more. That’s what happened: “I would like to buy other Bagels as much as the man in the Discounter cares,” he said. In the meantime, if you have received 600 bagels for loading, you can still receive 800 bagels for external use.

The “Fresh Bagels & Muffins” will last 28 years in the Maxvorstadt.
Das “Fresh Bagels & Muffins” in Barer Straße 72, Maxvorstadt, war a faith Treffpunkt in Viertel. There are no more fresh bagels, but also Live Music and Tatort-Abende. © Marcus Schlaf

The “Fresh Bagels & Muffins” are no longer suitable for fresh bagels, but also for the social meeting place: Dreyfus and Gonzales regularly play Live Music and Tatort-Abende. Den Tatort has lied to all students, Dreyfus said. Der Laden war das zweite Wohnzimmer vaker Stammkunden, so Gonzales. If you look at a human from the foursome, if you talk to children, it is possible that problems will arise. This point disappears when he goes to bed.

Dreyfus must have it, we received a stolen hat from the real estate company

Before you know anything about Dreyfus, you will have the knowledge of your home improvement. If you buy a property, the interest in a particular business may not be that great. Dreyfus and Gonzales have been given the opportunity to find a loss with the firm. That’s not what happened: “It’s not enough for us to eat,” said Dreyfus. “Wir wollten noch drei, vier Jahre machen, aber es wird uns nicht gegönnt”.

A new local place won’t work, but fragmentation may happen. “It is not a Willenssache, but a Money Sache,” said Dreyfus dazu. Both are 70 and a suitable solution, the device does not find it that simple. As a result, Dreyfus and Gonzales sold their joint Einrichtung together with the Geräte – until the end of December, without any doubt. Enabling the employment contract can be a problem: Seine Rente reiche nicht für Miete und Krankenversicherung. Dreyfus has to do a different job in a new year.

Neben the “Fresh Bagels & Muffins” with some other traditional local dishes: Das Occam Deli in Schwabing. Oh well Kult-Grieche in Giesing castle in October seine Türen – after 36 years.

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